Social Media Use Around The World
it's the last one that surprised me a little bit
- Total Number of Active Social Media Users : 4.2bn
- Social Media Users as % of Global Population : 53.6%
- Annual Change in Global Media Users (Jan 21) : +13.2% (+490m)
- Total Social Media Users accessing via Mobile : 4.15bn (😮)
- % of Total Social Media Users accessing via Mobile - 98.8% (😮😮)
Supplied by Hootsuite
The last one is relevant to marketers, nearly 99% of total social media users access via mobile, Food for Thought!
Top 8 Platforms to Market your Business in 2021
Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, (Very surprised not to see YouTube)
Especially as
Video is predicted to be bigger in 2021, it's a powerful tool to connect and engage with your customers and prospects (look at what we’re were doing in the LInkedIn, Facebook, FB Group Live)
- 93% of consumers said video is helpful when purchasing a product
- 71% of consumers have purchased after watching a brands video on Social Media
- Consumers said video was their #1 favourite type of content from brands on social media
- Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are the top three platforms consumers use to find the most new products or services
- When learning about a new product or service, consumers prefer video over reading about a product or looking at photos
- 74% of Consumers said they engage with Ads on Instagram Stories
Social Media
Rising concerns over privacy and fake news means forming a trust with customers is harder than ever in 2021.
It’s about building a relationship marketing approach (and that doesn't mean 'be my friend') with your social media audience.
- 63% of social media users feel consumer ratings are #1
- 70% of consumers believe customer opinions (more than double those that trust advertisements)
There is an increasing importance on customer experience
(my opinion for a long time now is this being 'the differentiator') for attracting (or losing) new customers through online and in-person word of mouth.
This is where the focus with social media needs to shift from a promotional and advertising channel, to one of collaboration with customers and influencers, working with them through a relationship funnel to incite word of mouth marketing for your brand.
SEO in 2021
Here where google is the master, search marketing overshadows the reach brands are able to get on social media platforms, by a big margin.
- SEO drives 1000%
more traffic than organic social media
- 68% of online experiences begin with a search
- 39% of purchaser are influenced by a search
- Google way ahead of other search engines owning 91.28% of global search market.
- 51% of smartphone users have discovered a new company or product when conducting a search
- 46% of all searches on Google are for local businesses
- 48% of consumers use Voice assistants for general web searches (this is where the opportunity lies)
- Backlinks are one of the top three ranking factors
- The top ranking page in google search has an average CTR of 31.7%
Consumer behaviour is changing and the role of Digital Marketing is a priority for all businesses looking to keep one step ahead.
Voice is going to play a big role in SEO Marketing
moving forward, you can already see this with the 46% of searches performed by voice, imagine your website being navigated by voice, your services being front and centre because it's optimised for voice, big opportunities.
If you like support with any Digital Marketing or Social Media Strategies please do 'contact us here'