There are those that WING it and there are those that PLAN.
The old cliché “Proper Planning Prevents P*** Poor Performance” is absolutely true.
For me, Strategic and Tactical Planning, Business Planning and Action, whatever you want to call it, is one of the best tools and techniques to get the most from your Time, Money, and Resources, simple as that!
We have 4 Areas, Strategy, Process, People, and Systems
(yes there are multiple categories, Finance, Purchasing, Operations, Quality, etc..12 in total I use), but they all fall into these four areas for me.
- Strategy
– the way we think and plan.
- Processes
– the way we operate (functional areas).
- People
– the way we lead and develop.
- Systems
– the way we interconnect.
You could add a fifth in there if you’re looking for growth which is, Cash.
If you image these four areas, Strategy, Processes, People and Systems
as a four circle Venn Diagram, then the midpoint would be classed as Execution or Action, the discipline of Business Excellence. All these are our Inputs into the business, they are in our control. This for me Systems Thinking.
When we achieve this Business Excellence, our Outcome(s) are Customer and Employee Satisfaction, Growth and Innovation, Sustained Profitability.
The results come from the discipline you apply into taking action, the stats below show how many businesses really fail at this.
- 97% of Business Have a Vision
- 80% Have a Clear Strategic Plan
- 33% see Significant Success.
The 33% master the discipline of
ACTION, managing the Who Does What, by When. Measured and Reviewed.
Those that plan Succeed far better in two main areas than those that don’t,
Growth and Funding.
Have a listen to Simon and myself discussing parts of
Strategic and Tactical Planning, and if you'd like to know please do get in touch with us