Most failures could have been converted into successes if we'd held on that a little bit longer, and probably put a little bit more effort into what we were doing as well.
When we have the potential for success adversity and defeat are temporary because we are looking to reach a greater height, we're looking to drive and get to that success, so the defeat and the adversity are only a temporary feeling because we are so focused on what we want to do.
When you're escape routes are all completely closed off, you'll be surprised at how you’ll think of another way around, another path to that success. I've always said, and I know they are the old analogies, but you’ve got to Fail Fast Learn Faster, FAIL
as in the First Attempt In Learning. This is absolutely true.
I’ve had number of conversations recently where, people have been very downbeat, yet they have achieved so many things now, it may not have been the results that they wanted, and they are still looking for those results, but we've got to analyse what's gone well, analyse what hasn't gone well what can I tweak, what can I change to make a different outcome.
We've got to keep moving, got to keep testing, we've got to keep changing the way we were doing things to enable us to get that success.
Yes, it is easier, far easier to accept defeat, head down and the shoulders and say, okay, you know, I'm done.
But just stick with it, keep testing it, keep monitoring it, change things. Ratchet it up again, go again, look at some of the outputs you've got and the measures. What can I do differently? How can I do something different? What else can I do? What are the results if I do that?
Don't just accept the failure. You know success, we've got to keep pushing through it, keep going through those failures to make them into SUCCESSES.
Keep looking for those different escape routes when all other are closed off.