What do you think is the most important characteristic of a high performing team?
Friendships? Trust? Communication? Playfulness?
A combination of all of these things and more. But how can you build these relationships when you’ve just hired new people who don’t know each other yet?
Often times, it takes time. But there are also little tricks that can help to get you on the right track. Here are some thoughts on managing expectations from both your new employee(s) view point and your own to help build that high performing team from day one.
It's always a big step in hiring new employees, you've picked the right candidate(s) and now you want to hit the ground running, but be aware that both you as a employer and they as an employee are going through a transition curve, a change curve, a process of denial, doubt and acceptance.
From a team building stance it's known as storming, forming, norming and performing and all individuals (including you as the employer) will go through it. Focus will be needed in managing your expectations, helping them manage their expectations mixed with a whole lot of communication, support, training, and patience.
Not all people will go through this at the same time. Not all people will hit the ground running.