The group had gone round introducing themselves and telling the group what they had achieved that week, which had left the lady feeling as though she hadn't achieved anything.
I've been in situations like this, that comparing side, and how we can go down that slippery slope of our inner talk to ourselves. How we talk to ourselves internally will drive behaviour
and our mindset, both positively and negatively. The negative we don’t want.
For anyone that has read a book called “The Chimp Paradox” will know that we have three parts of the brain that combine to form the ‘Psychological Mind’, which are the Frontal, Limbic
and Parietal
referred to as the Human, the Chimp and the Computer.
The chimp is the emotional side, the human is logic
and the computer are the main storage of reference. The chimp is five times stronger than the human and the computer is four times stronger than the chimp.
Everything we process goes through the chimp first, the fight, flight or freeze dating back to our times of hunting.
In this video I discuss what happened at the event, explain about the
chimp and techniques to alleviate some of the overwhelm and comparing ourselves.