Getting The Right Things Done in the Next 30 Days

Find Your




**30-Day Fire-Up**
Mastermind Group

Find the Sparks, Fan the Flames and Get The Right Things Done!

Warning! Don't read this if you hate growth and money
'What's the 30-Day Fire-Up Mastermind Group?'.

We all know it’s easier keeping ourselves busy rather than focussing on the right things, we can lose hours surfing the internet, spending time on social media, in our minds we're working on our business, but in reality, we've accomplished nothing. We’re procrastinating!

We have loads of distractions in our life’s, they take us off track of where we want to be and what we need to do, particularly those Incoming Generating Tasks. I’ve certainly experienced it and still do, guilty of getting distracted with email, the News, social media.

But doing that doesn’t move us or our business forward.

You may be wanting to try email marketing, getting to grips with Facebook Lives, working on your Digital Marketing Strategy, writing a blog, or even building a new product/service.

This is where the 30-Day Fire-Up Mastermind Group steps in!

Spaces are limited so you need to get in quick!
  • At the start of each month we’ll get together online
  • We’ll spend a little time introducing ourselves,
  • Then we ‘Fire it Up’
  • I’ll get you Thinking, Reflecting, Prioritising those Income Generating Tasks
  • You’ll spend time in 'Building your ‘30-Day Fire-Up Plan’  (unique template supplied)
  • You’ll enter your ‘Top Action Goal’ in the chat for all to see. That added bit of Peer to Peer Accountability!
  • We’ll then discuss any concerns, issues, problems, or discuss a topic and socialise for the last few minutes.
  • We’ll say our goodbye’s, happy that you’ve started your 30-Day Fire-Up Implementation Plan.
  • Ah! But wait! It doesn’t stop there...
  • ...we’ll then get together every Monday for 3 weeks for added Accountability and to Assess, Reflect and Go Again.

So that's...

  • 1 x Planning Session using the focussed and unique 30-Day Action Planner Template

  • 3 x Assess, Reflect and Go Again Sessions (with added Peer to Peer Accountability)

  • not forgetting you'll Build your Network, Learn Something New and Discuss Relevant Topics

  • and I'll be present and on hand to facilitate, support, guide and answer questions to ensure you get the right things done.

You’ll feel on top of the world, knowing WHAT YOU'VE ACCOMPLISHED and ACHIEVED.

I can’t wait to see and hear all about it!

and don’t forget,

if you want to feel all those emotions again, whether on your own or re-joining the group of likeminded people, repeat the process, remembering that ‘an object in motion stays in motion’.


Sarah. P-G : SPG Interiors

“Adam has been an amazing support for me from the time I met him at a LLEP productivity event pre-lockdown. He has a wealth of knowledge, delivered in a clear, easy to follow way & he's giving of his time to help you with anything business-related...

...a thoroughly good guy, amazingly dedicated, experienced & knowledgeable, I would wholeheartedly recommend his services to anyone."
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